Evacuation Shelters

REMEMBER: A shelter is a refuge of last resort, and the environment can be challenging.

Plan to bring to a shelter: ID, disaster kit, food, change of clothes, prescription medications, sleeping bag and pillow, cash and credit cards, flashlight and batteries, toiletries, important papers, important phone numbers, and quiet activities for children.

You can download the Shelter Resident Information Sheet HERE.

Know that not every shelter is open during every event. During an actual event, true shelter locations will be announced through local media and www.claycountygov.com.

Don’t Forget Your Pets!

You can prepare a pet disaster plan at: FloridaDisaster.org/PlanPrepare/Pet-Plan

You can search for pet friendly hotels at: PetsWelcome.com


Stay or Go?
Evacuation During a Storm

1. Has Clay County ordered an evacuation?
2. Do you live in a mobile or manufactured home?
3. Do you live in an evacuation zone?
4. Was your zone ordered to evacuate?
Check Mark Reach out to family and friends outside the evacuation zone to see if they can host you.
 Check Mark Check on the availability of hotels and motels outside of the evacuation zone.
 Check Mark If you have no other option, go to a Clay County Emergency Shelter.