High School Oratorical Contest


Northern Area Contestant Winners will receive the following amounts:

1st Place | $150
2nd Place | $100

Florida Contestant Winners will receive the following amounts:

1st Place | $2,500
2nd Place | $1,500
3rd Pace | $1,000
4th through 6th Place | $500

National Contestant Winners will receive the following amounts:

1st Place | $25,000
2nd Place | $22,500
3rd Pace | $20,000

Advance Past 1st Round | $2,000
All Contestants | $2,000


Student must be enrolled in state accredited high school program in grades 9-12. Parents must be Florida residents. This is a speech contest.


No application necessary. Contact your local American Legion Post to enter or Department Headquarters


December 1 of the current school year.